There will always be crime and bad things happening in the news. However, when people come together to make things right is when your faith in humanity is restored. A heartwarming story in Australia might just brighten your day.
A new volunteer ambulance in Queensland, Australia was recently vandalized. No one is sure who did the vandalism or why, but what happened when it was posted on Facebook will make you remember why humans are good at heart.
The Queensland Ambulance Service in Australia posted this on Facebook.
The comments will amaze you. So many people wrote that they would come help clean up the mess. Others couldn’t believe that someone would do such a thing as vandalizing a vehicle that helps so many people.
Other people came up with interesting punishments for the crime if they ever found the vandals, such as not allowing them to use any ambulances.
Many others gave cleaning advice and offered solutions.
While the Queensland Ambulance Service had already hired a cleaning crew to take care of the mess, they appreciated the outpouring of support from Facebook members.
Luckily, the mess was cleaned up and the vehicle is back on the road and helping emergency first responders save lives again. The team took to Facebook again to thank everyone for their support in this post:
The Queensland Ambulance family, especially our staff at Woodridge, would just like to say a heartfelt thanks to literally thousands of people that made contact to offer their personal help or services to clean our vehicle following the vandalism of our vehicle yesterday. From Mums, Dads, entire families, and local businesses around the area your comments, offers of support and general appreciation of what we do for the community has been simply overwhelming. For that, we are truly grateful. To the local member for Woodridge Cameron Dick who visited the staff to chat and offer his concern, we thank you. Let’s hope the perpetrator of this senseless act learns and comes to realise behaviour such as this is totally unacceptable. Most importantly, our twin stretcher unit was back on the road sparkling clean at 6 this morning serving the wonderful community.”
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