Who hasn’t heard of Windex? This popular glass cleaning product has by now become a household name. But what if we told you that Windex is a multi-tasking product and can be put to several different uses, apart from window cleaning? Quite amazing, right?
Have a look at some of these really simple cleaning hacks using Windex.
Car Windshield
If you can use it make your windows spick-and-span, why not try it on the equally delicate surface of your window shield? After all, a good visibility while driving is an important safety measure. Use Windex to make your window shield spotless the next time you plan to give your car a wash.
Stain Remover
An easy way to remove that eye sore from your pretty dress is by spraying Windex on it and let it stay put for about 15 minutes. Put it in the washer to rinse. The stain should disappear after a couple tries. But make sure you use the colorless Windex. The blue one will only make the trouble worse.
Those insect repellents are pretty expensive. The next time you spot a bug or a line of ants trailing away, don’t go an extra mile. Just spray the multipurpose Windex and have the problem solved!
Furniture and Antiques
The all-purpose Windex can make your patio furniture and some of the antiques like dining crystals look as good as brand new. When you have Windex at home, why bother spending extra on all other home cleaners?
Let the Ring Shine
Diamonds are supposed to be forever. So, in case yours isn’t giving off the right amount of bling, try this simple hack. Add couple drops Windex and couple drops dish soap in a bowl. Put it in a microwave for a minute and then soak the ring in the mixture for about 10-15 minutes. Voila! Your jewelry is radiant once again.
Stuck Rings
I am sure you’ve had a panic attack when that ring just wouldn’t come off. Don’t worry the next time it happens. Just spray some Windex on it. Your skin will shrink off a little and ring will wriggle off easily.