Galley yoga
“Getting up and wanting to stretch in our galleys like its a yoga studio or wanting to stand in our galleys is annoying. The galley is our only work area, and we have nowhere else to go because our seats are in the galley by the doors.”
Snapping your fingers
“‘Excuse me, miss!’ works every time.”
“Please, please, please — stop walking into the restroom barefoot, or even with socks on. Would you ever walk into a public restroom barefoot? No. Thank you, sir, for mopping up the pee on the floor with your socks.”
Going barefoot
“Please, please, please — stop walking into the restroom barefoot, or even with socks on. Would you ever walk into a public restroom barefoot? No. Thank you, sir, for mopping up the pee on the floor with your socks.”
Acting entitled
“Stop trying to sneak into an upgraded seat.”
Thinking the world is coming to an end because you didn’t get your first meal choice
“It’s a plane ride, not a five-star hotel or restaurant. Stop getting bent out of shape over receiving your second meal choice.”
Getting up to use the lavatory when the seat belt sign is on
“When you remind them that the sign is on, they usually respond with some version of saying, ‘But I have to go.’ Well, unless you are two years old, do you wait until the absolute last minute to use the toilet?”