The odds of finding a wallet that he been tossed in the sea were slim to none, but Gilleece had an idea.
Instead of just telling the New Mexico woman that her ring and wallet were swimming with the fish, he hired divers and organized the search. The team scoured the water looking for a wallet in the murky waters of the sea, which was not an easy mission.
Never underestimate the power of perseverance! The divers actually found the wallet after all.
Gilleece knew that Prather had stolen the money, but he was pretty confident that he hadn’t taken the ring, so he was hoping that once the wallet was found, the ring would still be inside. Now that the wallet had been recovered, it was just a matter of looking for the ring.
When the divers opened the zipper within the wallet, they were relieved to find the expensive ring.
The ring had survived its underwater journey, and Jimmy was elated to hear it was finally recovered. Now it was just a matter of reaching out to the woman from New Mexico and giving her the good news. Boy was she going to be excited!
Gilleece might have been deemed a hero for getting the ring back, but he did so much more than that.
The bar owner proved that he had a heart of gold. Aside from helping the New Mexico woman, he realized that there was another person that desperately needed his help, and that was the young thief, Rivers Prather. “He was living in the woods, and this is when it was 30 degrees outside, and he hadn’t eaten in two days,” he told CBS news.
How many people do you know that would be willing to bring a homeless teen into their home?
Gilleece and his family welcomed the young man and made him a part of their family. “I could tell he wasn’t a criminal. He was just somebody who needed a little help,” he told CBS news. Gilleece went above and beyond and also offered to help the boy to get a job so he wouldn’t have to steal from anyone ever again.
In a world that it isn’t always very kind, it’s refreshing to see that there are good people out there.
Gilleece is an amazing human being, who not only reunited a woman with her expensive ring but also made a wayward teen the latest addition to his family’s nest. Who knew that a story that was so heartbreaking could give everyone involved the happy ending they deserved?
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Credits: lifebuzz.com