Past consumer goods people purchased over 50 years ago, can be quite sought-after by memorabilia collectors from all walks of life today. We aren’t talking about traditional collectibles, such as comic books, lunchboxes, militia, art or stamps. No, I’m talking about unusual or strange collectibles that can worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to an avid collector.
Did you know a prescription a pharmacy pill bottle Marilyn Monroe once owned, sold at auction for over $8,750!! Medical bottles owned by famous celebrities are quite collectible, especially anything once owned by the beautiful Marilyn Monroe.
Yowsa, Yowsa, Yowsa!
Oh, did I forget to mention: The dress she is wearing in the photo above, sold in 2016 at auction for over $4.8 million dollars. This was her famous “Happy Birthday Mr. President” gown.
Moving from Marilyn collectibles to breakfast collectibles: A box of Quaker CAP’N CRUNCH Peanut Butter Cereal from 1963 sold for over $2,800 recently on eBay. Seriously??

Believe it or not, find a ’60s cereal box or a vintage ’50s Rushton Star-Creation stuffed animal, and it can sell for over $1,000!!
Literally, “One person’s trash can be another man’s treasure!”
Let’s take a look at ten far-out, unusual collectibles people would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to acquire. Some of the following items originally sold in a store for less than a dollar!
1. Vintage Beer and Soda Pop Cans
Beer cans from the 1930s-1960s can be extremely collectible. Search for “flat-top” cans with a “church key” (separate key added to the side of the can, used to open it.). Also, “cone-top” cans produced between 1935-1960. Higher values are realized by brand, design, condition, and collectibility.
2. Vintage VHSTape Cult Horror Flicks from the 1980s-1990s
“Look! Out in the kitchen! “It’s a stove! It’s a dishwasher! No, it’s “Attack of the Killer Refrigerator.”
If it’s weird or “Deadstock” merchandise, its likely sought-after in the collecting world. Similarly, this is the case with this corny, horror VHS tape from the Grunge Era, which can sell for over $300!
3. Modern Space Age, Mid-century Portable TV’s
4. Early 1970s-1980s Disposable “Pamper” Paper Diapers
Selling range-$500+
Quality is an important factor here. “Let’s face it; they just don’t make them like they used to.”
5. Vintage 1960s-1970s, Vanity Fair Nylon Tricot-Sheer Ladies Panties
Yes, indeed folks, ’tis a fact! Vintage, prissy panties are highly sought-after today. Of course, look for never worn or lightly-used panties. (A hint for dating the panties; watch for the satin, tiny square pillow tab found on the elastic waistline, and a double nylon mushroom gusset.)