15. The late Heath Ledger died during the making of the epic 2008 film,”The Dark Knight,” when his daughter, Matilda, was only 3 years old. Isn’t the resemblance almost eery? She lives with her widowed mother, Michelle Williams, and is now 11 years old. The next mother-daughter duo is truly stunning!
16. Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke are the proud parents of this lovely young woman, Maya, who at the age of 18 just started down the career path of a fashion model. Though Ethan Hawke’s softer features rounded Uma’s edges, the eyes and smile are ALL Uma. The next two guys were absolute essential addictions to this list – they’re spookily similar!
17. The Sutherland boys unmistakably belong to the same family! Actor and musician, Kiefer Sutherland look just like his actor father, Donald! They performed together in the 2015 film “Forsaken” as a father and son – must have made the casting director’s job a lot easier when these two agreed to sign on! The next famous leading lady has a striking, look-alike daughter…
18. If you can’t get enough of Meryl Streep, you’ll never have to – it looks like she has bestowed all of her sophisticated grace (and those wonderful high cheekbones) to her daughter, Mamie, who is trying to break into a film career of her own. The next photo of a group of handsome gents is just so darling…
19. Isn’t this a touching image of the late Alan Thicke with his son, Robin, and his grandson? Alan died just last year and this is one of the last photos he took with his special guys before his passing. His son definitely has the family nose, doesn’t he? Next up, check out this famous father and his improved features on his daughter…
20. Aren’t Reese Witherspoon and her daughter Ava beautiful together? Not to mention, they are looking so much more alike as Ava grows – same eyes, same smile! Next up, this father and son could have been twins!
Credits: modernmom.com