Start your morning trying to solve this riddle, it’s one of our most answered (correctly!). Okay, here it is: What Disappears as Soon as You Say its Name?
Solve the Riddle:
This hard riddle requires you to think logically or in a straightforward way. At the same time, it’s employing a conceptual metaphor with the notion of something disappearing. The answer seems so simple—but not until you’ve figured it out! Before that moment, it’s got your brain in a twist.
Think very carefully before you scroll down!
Bonus Riddle:
Did you get this one right? If you have any suggestions for new games please let us know in the comments. We’re always looking for new ones and sometimes our best games actually come from our amazing fans. If we use your game, we’ll make sure to credit you. Thanks for playing!
Also… How Many Haystacks Does the Farmer Have?