5. Black, Red, and Gray
Can you think of an object that is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away?
The answer is charcoal! It’s black when you buy it, glows red when you ignite it, and after it’s finished burning through it turns grey.
6. Fruit Puzzle
Okay, because I know you’re a brainy bunch, here’s a simple one to ease you in.
Did you get it?
Here’s the solution! If the Apple equals 20, then the Orange equals 10 and the Lemon 3. The result, therefore, is 70.
7. The Water Tank Puzzle
A simple question for you! Which one of these four tanks of water would fill up first?
Okay, I admit, I cheated a little again, because the answer is actually a tie! First, tank number 3 would fill up partly and then it would reach the spout and begin to fill up the fourth container. When the fourth container is near full, water will overflow into the third tank and they will then fill up at the same time.
Crafty, right?
Credits: buzz.auntyacid.com
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