6. Body Snatchers
Resurrectionists, or “body snatchers,” were hired in the 19th century to remove corpses from graves for universities to use as cadavers. Cadavers from legal means were rare and difficult to obtain, so universities had to resort to other means to procure cadavers for their students.
7. Log Drivers
In days before logs were carried by trucks, they were driven along the river to their destinations by these people.
8. Factory Lectors
Broadly speaking, a lector is simply someone who reads. However, they were often hired with money pooled from workers to read to large rooms full of manual laborers to keep them entertained. Some read left-leaning or union publications to the workers.
9. Ice Cutters
Before refrigerators and freezers, ice was cut from frozen lakes, sold and kept in cellars.
10. Rat Catchers
This occupation was widespread in Europe, and its purpose was to keep rat population at their minimum while catchers were risking to get infections rats carry.
Credits: scooplify.com
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