6. Truth Or Hair
It’s all in the hair, apparently. If your hair becomes thick and glossy, and you can’t make it down the street without being stopped by a modeling scout, you’re carrying a boy. If your hair is so dull and limp that you look like you’ve been without running water for quite some time, it’s a girl.
Similarly, your body hair is thought to provide a clue too. If your body hair is growing thick and fast, you’re said to be having a boy. If your hair growth has remained normal (don’t be too smug, you’ll still be way hairier than usual because shaving your legs while heavily pregnant is basically impossible), there might be a girl nestled in your womb.
7. No Time To Weight
If the thought of waiting until the birth to find out the sex of your baby is getting you down, worry no more! Simply pay attention to your pregnancy weight gain. According to an old wives’ tale, if you’re carrying all of your extra weight out front, it’s a boy. If those pregnancy pounds are piling on all over, you might be expecting a daughter.
8. No Easy Feet
Those extremities are also said to be useful in the quest for gender predictions. If you are suffering from a bad case of the cold feet now that you’re pregnant, you might be expecting a boy. If your feet are as warm as ever, you might be carrying a girl.
9. Cravings
Some people believe your cravings provide clues as to the sex of your unborn child. Thinking of sugar and spice, and all things nice, it’s common sense that sweet cravings mean you’re carrying a girl. Fruit, chocolate, and desserts all hint that the stork might be bringing you a daughter. Salty or sour foods could be an indication that you’re carrying a son. If you’re drooling at the thought of crisps and pretzels, there might be a boy beneath that bump. Pregnant women often experience strange food cravings — but apparently, these can also indicate the gender of your baby.
10. Ball About The Bump
You won’t be able to get through your pregnancy without hearing this old wives’ tale. In fact, by the time of your estimated due date, you will be totally sick of hearing it.
According to legend, if folks keep stopping you to comment on how closely your bump resembles a basketball, you’re having a boy. If basketball players keep trying to dribble off with your bump because it’s sitting low, you could be expecting a girl.