Every year I think about decorating Halloween pumpkins and every year I avoid it because of the smell of the insides while carving. Or maybe it’s touching the smooshy guts. I’m not sure, but at this point in my life, I would rather find other ways to decorate a pumpkin besides carving.
If you are like me, or even if you just want something you can keep year after year, you’ll love these 20 ideas. Some of them use faux pumpkins, and others use real pumpkins (but you can recreate these on faux pumpkins too!). They range from painting to glue to nailheads . . . and all of them are awesome.
1. Carve yourself some Scrabble tiles you can really get pumped about.
After you’ve cleaned your pumpkin out, you can carve up to three sides of your pumpkin based on your favorite or random Scrabble tile. Then used some LED candles to really light up your game this Halloween.
2. All your porch needs this year is a pair of starry night pumpkin pillars.
You can clear the guts outs of your pumpkins and then paint on a spooky dark tree. Make sure it’s super creepy. Then drill a bunch of stars and cut out a crescent moon. Then, all you need is a light to give your pillars that ethereal look.
3. Sunflower pumpkins are totally leaving Jack O’ Lanterns in the wind this holiday season.
Scoop out the pulp and seeds, trace the template of a sunflower and carve out the leaves and petals. You can also add different color twine or carve farm animals to give it that country living feel.
4. Prove to your neighbors that your Jack O’ Lantern has the biggest mouth in the hood.
Choose a large pumpkin to hollow and carve out. Just make sure that the eyes and nose are way up top and then carve out the big section, which will be its mouth. You can attach some black macrame strings to a metal ring, which will create a nice sling for Jack to sit on.
5. Use your pumpkin to create a diorama that you can really howl over this Halloween.
Carve the inside out and make a lycan diorama with twigs for trees and rocks and shrubs that you can get from your backyard. You can also carve the crescent moon in the distance. Then, you just need a toy wolf to turn your pumpkin into a real Teen Wolf.