4. Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber’s voice isn’t exactly great — he’s probably a better drummer than singer, which isn’t even as high a compliment as it sounds — but what the Biebs excels at is confidence. There’s something to be said for determination and grit, and Bieber has that.
From a young age, Bieber had a drive that propelled him into superstardom and bad haircuts. When asked in 2008 (before BieberFever infected the third rock from the Sun) where he saw his career going, he replied, “I see myself doing more, like, R&B, sort of like Usher or Justin [Timberlake] like, an old Michael Jackson.” He got the music right, and he even put himself in the right superstar grouping.
5. Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke wrote more than 100 books, contributed greatly to the creation of satellites, and co-wrote the screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey, helping Stanley Kubrick fake the Moon landings, or something like that. The guy was busy. In his spare time, he did fun things like host an unknown mysteries show and predict every single thing you take for granted today.
In 1976, Clark did an interview where he predicted the Internet in pretty great detail as the exchange of information — even pictures and graphics — via high-definition television. In 1976, people were still pointing their rabbit ears east to get Red Sox games, so the idea of HDTV was as absurd as the pope divorcing. He predicted Internet pages, specific places to get news or sports, and at the same time predicted the demise of the newspaper. He also took a shot at mobile communication, predicting the cellular phone and even the Apple Watch. So, Arthur C. Clarke predicted hipsters.
6. Colin Kaepernick
Colin Kaepernick made headlines in 2016, and not for his on-the-field play. Kaepernick focused on social issues important to him, and football took a backseat in his life. But it seems that for a long time, football was all Kap wanted.
As part of a fourth grade assignment, 11-year old Colin Kaepernick had to predict where he’d end up in life. Instead of shooting for ditch digger or what that customer did in Clerks, young Colin went deep. Kaepernick predicted an NFL career, going as far as to list his height (between 6 ft and 6’4″) and his weight.
He undersold his weight, but the height was spot on. As for his team? He predicted the San Francisco 49ers, the same team that grabbed him in the second round in the 2010 NFL draft.