Stories20 Hilariously Awkward Family Photos That Will Make You Cringe. by Zack WalkterPublished September 16, 2017 7. “What am I wearing?… The same thing everyone single mom of 3 wears on a Tuesday night after working all day at the Piggly Wiggly. Why do you ask?” 8. Typical. Why some guys never wear a tie for a formal picture, shucks, I’ll never know. 9. Leroy never gave up on his dream of becoming a valuable member of the Blue Man Group. 10. When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie… 11. Flammable or not, Jackie wasn’t about to let anything or anyone blemish her new davenport. 12. Jarrod. Hungry like a wolf. PREVIOUSPage 2 of 4NEXT