The woman got a book issued in December 1948 and visited the library to return the book only in 2016. Guess how much fine she should have paid?
To book lovers, libraries are what Hogwarts is to Potterheads!
Reading books often make us travel to different worlds and let us create our own imaginary one. Well, that is why fiction is always better than reality.
As a kid, many of us have had one special book that makes us feel home no matter how many times we read it. Perhaps, A.W. Reed’s “Myths and Legends of Maoriland” was that book for a lady who came to return this book to a library after 68 years.
A 70-year-old woman visited the Epsom Community Library in Auckland, New Zealand and she came with a ‘confession’. She had borrowed the book from the library when she was the patron of the library as a kid but then she moved out of Auckland and ‘accidentally’ took the book with her.
After nearly 68 years, while was visiting her family in Auckland she thought of finally returning the book.
The woman told the library staff that she thought of returning the book many times but did not get the opportunity.