4. Mike Suffered Brain Damage From Toxic Shock Syndrome

The next Von Erich brother to lose his life would be Mike, Fritz Von Erich’s 5th son. It has been said that Mike never wanted to enter the family business to become a wrestler, and it would be an injury that he sustained from wrestling that nearly cost him his life. While in Israel, Mike passed out during a match, and was rushed to a hospital. Though it is pretty uncommon in men, Mike would suffer from toxic shock syndrome, which can prove fatal. He survived the onslaught, but he was never the same again. Sadly, he suffered brain damage from his bout with toxic shock syndrome, and he would never be the same again.
Imagine feeling pressured to do something that you have little interest in and nearly dying because of it. Unlike some of his other brothers, Mike never achieved the level of success or adoration that they got. Sure, he was a Von Erich, but he was never able to be the star that David was.
5. Mike Committed Suicide By Overdosing
The pressure that Mike felt along with the brain damage that he sustained from getting toxic shock syndrome did him no favors, and he grew depressed. He tried to get back into physical shape, but the damage the he sustained robbed him of his muscle mass, and he was never able to achieve the level of fitness that he once had. Shortly before his death, Mike had gotten a DUI, and had truly reached the lowest point in his life. By now, Fritz had lost 2 of his sons, and unfortunately, number 3 would come sooner than he had hoped.
After leaving a suicide note for his family to find, Mike seemingly disappeared to take his own life. He was found dead several days later. Mike had overdosed on sleeping pills, leaving his family members to mourn the loss of another Von Erich. His legacy isn’t nearly as revered as David’s or Kerry’s, but Mike losing his life had an effect on the wrestling community. Mike was only 23 when he died.
6. Chris Had Very Brittle Bones That Broke Easily
The next Von Erich brother to fall victim to the pressures of the wrestling industry was Chris, who was the youngest of all the Von Erichs. Unlike his brothers who were larger men that possessed tremendous athletic gifts, Chris was only 5’5″, and he had suffered from asthma his entire life. Unlike Mike, Chris wanted nothing more than to be a professional wrestler, but his asthma and physical limitations made success virtually impossible. Chris had bones that were brittle, and they were highly susceptible to breakage while performing in the ring. He still tried his best when healthy enough to compete, and even had a tag team match against future legend Steve Austin.
The youngest Von Erich was unable to live up to the loft expectations of his brothers, and his drug use did him no favors. His short stature and brittle bones made life miserable for Chris, and this led him to doing something that everyone feared.