I am so thank for my childhood. If you were a ’60s, ’70s, or ’80s Kid, I’m sure you are too! Not many people regulated what we did back then, and so we were able to experience life in a whole different way.
These days, many of these things are frowned upon and even banned in today’s society. The result is a bunch of kids who don’t have a chance to be as tough as we were back then. Let’s get to some ’60s – ’80s Kids’ memories!
1. Lawn darts.
These were the dangerous toys that we played with every day.
2. Playing with fireworks.
But it didn’t stop there, we even had the fire to play with!
Or what about those snake firecrackers that always seemed to leave a ‘fun mark’ on the sidewalk!? They burned very hot for being kid-friendly! My best friend called them worms, but these, along with sparklers, were so much fun to play with as a kid.
3. Getting a cast
This was a badge of honor and we couldn’t wait to get our friends to sign it! Boy, were we tough!
4. Hot And Rusty Playgrounds.
These were tough places with metal slides that were hot enough to cause blisters. I remember how hot the metal could get when it was a sunny day!
5. Riding In The Back Of Pickup Trucks.
It was legal to ride around like this and we did it all the time. I remember the wind in our hair, and the freedom we felt. Yes, we were cool; however, we were not as cool as this grandma riding in the back of a pick up truck with her sunglasses on! Enjoy!!
6. Riding in the front seats of cars.
Most of us learned to drive at an early age, and since we were in the front seats from birth, we handled it with grace. Back then, there weren’t as many cars on the streets and it seemed safer to just drive around. Do you agree?
7. Playing outside without constant supervision.
We usually just needed to be home before dark. When the street lamps came on, we had about four minutes to get inside and ready for supper.
8. Sunburns.
These weren’t considered deadly, even as we were peeling off our skin.
9. Bicycling.
Instead of meeting up online, we did this. I wouldn’t change my childhood for anything. I’m so thankful that I got to ride around my neighborhood with a different group of rascals every day!
10. Second-hand smoke?
This was a direct result of our home lives.
11. Cooking on the stove.
We cooked all the time, even when we were home alone. Briena shows in this clip that the past time hasn’t expired completely, and she’s got some skills! We started the video at the 4 minute mark when things begin to ‘heat up’!
12. Drinking from the Garden Hose
On a hot summer day, you better believe we took drinks out of the garden hose!
13. No Shoes, No Problem!
We played outside without shoes every single day. You learned how to tread lightly to avoid stepping hard on a thorn or ‘gumball’!
14. Latchkey Kids
All kids took care of themselves after school.
15. Older kids would babysit their little brothers and sisters.
This kept parents from having to pay for daycare. The tradition has definitely not gone away completely and below is a fantastic clip of what can happen when this age old tradition is kept alive!
16. There was no such thing as play-dates.
Kids played whenever and wherever they wanted.
17. Teen smoking was cool.
All kids tried it and some of them took to it for a lifetime. And before we tried the real thing, we were experts with those candy cigs! If you were part of the ’60s to ’80s Kids You know what I’m talking about!
Also, remember the weird dishes that Grandma made for holidays and ‘special’ occasions? I certainly think dealing with these dishes helped us be flexible, and also learn how to eat whatever Mom and Dad Made! Check out our video of 10 of the strangest dishes that we remember Grandma making!
12 Reasons Kids From The ’60s And ’70s Shouldn’t Be Alive Right Now