Do you remember, as a kid, your first time going to see a baseball game? Growing up in NYC, there was nothing more exciting than that first game. My Dad got us all dressed up in our team gear and we were on our way. We would get on the subway, get to the stadium, and it was all about Peanuts, Cracker Jacks and Hotdogs and a happy momentous day..
Vendors walking up and down the stadium stairs with a box draped around their necks yelling out to the crowds, “peanuts here!” or “get your cracker jacks!” as we would be cheering on our home team ….
What Was Your Favorite Part About Going To A Baseball Game? (Click This Link To Play)
Today was opening day at Yankee Stadium which brings back the memories of my Father’s story-telling and his days of taking me to games. Even for New York, it is a nostalgic celebration as they bring out the original subways that originally transported us to the stadium, to honor this historic sport in nostalgic style…
My Dad would tell us stories about how he remembers seeing Babe Ruth’s First Time At Bat.
And the stories he shared about his home team, the Brooklyn Dodgers are the treasured memories of going to baseball games that resonate with me to this day. The smile that glows on his face when he talks about his childhood memories are so bittersweet. Truly heartwarming. The way he speaks about baseball games is like he’s still living in that era. Back then, the stadiums were packed. And the games momentous. Rooting for the home team was the everything. And those peanuts and cracker jacks are still adorned by fans today… just at a bigger price!
Baseball is undoubtedly America’s game!
There is so much history…
But sadly, the draw to the game has declined. Whether it’s because a day at a game is rather costly or games start too late for the younger generation to stay up and watch OR, maybe the excitement of the game is not like it was because it is not as thrilling and fast as today’s games on modern electronics. The disruption of quality, organic time is not like it once was…
It’s nice to know for those of us still interested in the history of the game, there are museums dedicated to it…
Spending quality time with my Dad, talking about sports, playing ball in the yard, little league and trading baseball cards, are by far some of the a great childhood memories that I will always hold near and dear to my heart.
So, take me out to the ballgame for another dose of nostalgia…
What is your favorite memory of baseball? Share in the comment section below…
(Sources: AMNY, DoYouRemember.com & YouTube)