The 1997 movie Titanic remains etched in the memory of those who saw it. Based on a true-life event, the film has been one of the most popular romantic tragedies, triggering raw emotions in viewers. But fans have recently discovered that an important scene was cut from the movie, which has sparked different questions and speculations.
The RMS Titanic was one of the largest and most luxurious ships of its time. It departed with over 2000 people but the ship struck an iceberg on April 14, 1912, and sank early the following morning. Over 1500 people on board died while about 700 survived. However, the story told in the movie was incomplete as a scene showing a boy being rescued was removed.
‘Titanic’ deleted scene
@titanicstories The story behind a deleted scene in Titanic #titanic #titanicmovie #titanicsinking #titanicwreck #china #chinese #1912 #illinois #ioangruffudd #titanic1912 #deletedscene ♬ James Horner – The Portrait – Hoop圈圈
The information of the Titanic deleted scene recently came to light when a social media account, @titanicstories made the reveal on TikTok. This struck a nerve among thousands of users, some of whom demanded why the emotional piece was removed.
The deleted scene follows a boy named Wing Sun Fong, but listed as Fang Lang, who was one of the eight Chinese passengers on board. Wing Sun Fong boarded the ship at Southampton as a third-class passenger and was found hanging on a wooden door when the wreck happened.
He was rescued alongside other survivors, the majority of whom were women and children, due to the safety rule of women and children first. However, given the reality and impact of the Titanic shipwreck, fans consider it unfair to have deleted the scene of the boy whose story deserves to be told just like others.
Why was the scene deleted?
The scene of Fong being rescued was removed from the movie possibly because the final version was already three hours and 14 minutes. However, some versions of the movie recently released included the scene. Despite the water was minus two degrees, Wing Sun Fong helped row the lifeboat to shore once he was rescued.
He was just 17 when he boarded the Titanic ship. However, after the disaster, Wing Sun Fong settled in Chicago and became a merchant. He passed away in 1986 at age 91.