A college student from Wisconsin made a shocking revelation to his family as a child, claiming he died on the Titanic in April 1912. His mother gave an account of this during an interview for The Ghost Inside My Child, backing his statement with evidence.
Jamey painted about 50 nearly accurate photos from the tragic accident, which claimed the lives of more than 1500 people and left some displaced. His art looked so well done that his mother thought only someone who had been on the ship could make such up.
Child claims he was the Titanic’s architect
Jamey was specific about who he may have been in his past life, claiming to have been on the massive liner as its architect named Thomas Andrews. He said they had similar personality traits, and Thomas did just what he would have done were he in that position.
His mother recalled finding him and his babysitter watching 1997’s The Titanic, after which he started drawing and painting the ship. While it may appear that Jamey was simply recreating what he saw on TV, his mother considered his art more sophisticated than that.
Jamey felt deep empathy for the victims
It is not unusual to react tearfully to The Titanic, but Jamey felt devastated, particularly over the first victims in the boiler room, thinking it was his fault. He began to explain as if to defend himself, noting that they should not have been trapped and that there were mistakes in the design.
Jamey would even cry about it, although he admitted he feels fulfilled that he died with the others. There were varying reactions to his story, mostly from a point of disbelief. Some claimed he was simply acting out because the movie touched him deeply, adding that it was not an uncommon reaction from first-time kid viewers.