Following the release of his memoir, From Under the Truck: A Memoir by Josh Brolin, Josh Brolin appeared on an episode of Graham Bensinger’s InDepth podcast, where he revealed more horrifying details about his childhood.
Josh’s father, James Brolin inspired him to be an actor, and he made his debut in Richard Donner’s Goonies, where he played Brandon “Brand” Walsh. This ‘80s film launched a successful Hollywood career for Josh, who starred in hits like No Country For Old Men, and Deadpool 2.
Josh Brolin lived a tough life before starring in ‘Goonies’
Josh had a tumultuous childhood, much of which he wrote about in his new book. He told Graham about his pigs Oink and Snort, both of which he enjoyed raising as a kid until James served one of them for dinner. He recalled James asking him to guess what he was eating and then dropping the shocker that it was one of his beloved pets.
Josh never knew why his father did such a horrifying thing but guessed he was trying to make an impact. Graham questioned Josh’s assumption, and the actor explained that James likely felt lacking in that aspect and decided to prove a point with the gory act.
Josh Brolin says his father was like a red light
Despite the traumatizing experience with James, Josh considers him an interesting super friendly guy. He did give a warning about the 84-year-old being like a red stop sign that never goes off. James has also admitted his mistakes, noting during a 2009 interview with The Guardian that it was too late for him to make amend with Josh.
He commended Josh for being a great father to his kids Eden, Trevor, Westlyn Reign, and Chapel Grace. He had the first two from his marriage to actress Alice Adair, which ended in 1994, and the rest with his current wife Kathryn Boyd.