A veteran police officer from Connecticut brought some humor to a recent Wheel of Fortune episode by giving a hilarious answer to one of the puzzles. Will Jordan, who also served as a Coast Guard, admitted that he went blank after giving his wrong response.
Will appeared confident when he tried to answer the puzzle but was disappointed to learn that his answer was incorrect. Thankfully, he was a good sport and made jokes out of his mistakes, and viewers took to social media for a good laugh.
What did the policeman on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ try to solve?
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The letter board showed blank spaces which, when filled, should read “GIVE YOURSELF A ROUND OF APPLAUSE,” however, it read “Treat yourself to a round of sausage” to Will. Realizing he had failed the question, Will tried to explain away his flop, which he said would be worth it if it made people laugh.
He joked about finding sausages in his locker and police vehicle once he returned to work. Wheel of Fortune‘s official Instagram page featured Will on their grid and praised him for handling the moment well. “Playing Wheel of Fortune on stage is a whole different ball game than playing at home,” they wrote.
Fans react to Will Jordan’s puzzle flop
Fans of the game show went online to express their thoughts about Will’s answer, mostly making more jokes about food. “I saw this. One of the funniest things I have ever seen!! LOL,” someone exclaimed, while some viewers tagged Ryan to serve Will some sausage.
Some felt sorry for the contestant, who finished the game in third place with $8,000. “How TF did he get Treat and Sausage from that two partial word reveals LMAO,” a baffled user asked on X, and a concerned person presented an assumption that Will may be dyslexic.