American patriotism is a fervent and deeply ingrained sentiment that celebrates the ideals and values upon which the United States was founded. It encompasses a sense of pride in the nation’s history, diversity, and democratic principles. Patriotism manifests in various forms, from waving flags at parades to standing united during adversity.
However, it seems these acts of patriotism might serve as a culture shock to some, as a young Australian woman visiting the United States for the first time voiced her concern about the abundant display of American flags within her vicinity.
Mia Chloe accuses Americans of showing off too much patriotism
In a TikTok video that has since been deleted, Mia Chloe, recorded herself strolling down a suburban road, ridiculing Americans’ purported display of patriotism while comparing it to her own country.
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“I’m just gonna say it, there are too many American flags. They’re on houses, they’re on cars, saw them on couch cushions,” Mia stated in the clip. “You’re the only country that I know that does this. The only time I’ve seen an Australian flag is on the [Sydney] Harbour Bridge… [I] could not tell you what it looks like. I know it’s, like, blue, and it’s got some stars on it. I think I could draw the American flag from memory. I think I can make a bloody sculpture out of it. That’s how many bloody times I’ve seen it. It’s enough, let’s stay humble.”
Americans react to Mia Chloe’s TikTok video
As expected, Mia’s Video prompted intense responses from all around the United States. The clip caught the attention of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who told her to “Go back to Australia.” Also, some other TikTok users in the United States took to the post’s comment section to express their displeasure.
“Yes, we are proud to be an exceptional nation. As evidence, I present the fact that she, a hater, still spent time and money to visit. LOL,” one person commented. “Unfortunately, these kids have no pride and respect for their country (or others). And I’ve seen a corresponding lack of courtesy and respect for others as well,” another commented. “Wait till she visits Texas and sees all our flags,” a TikTok user added.
However, the Aussie has since deactivated her TikTok account, most likely to avoid trolling from enthusiastic American patriots targeting her in the comments.