Centenarians represent a rapidly expanding demographic globally, according to Pew Research Center. Still, a Houston woman, Elizabeth Francis, stands out even within this group as she just celebrated her 114th birthday in the company of five generations of her family. Among them were her 94-year-old daughter Dorothy Williams and 68-year-old granddaughter Ethel Harrison.
Francis’ milestone celebration comes with several accolades as she is currently named the oldest resident in Texas, the second-oldest person in the United States, the seventh oldest person globally, and also the world’s second-oldest individual living independently at home.
The Great-great-grandma shares the secret behind her long life
During an interview with the local ABC station KTRK-TV, Francis shared the keys to her long life, stating that she refrained from drinking and smoking yet enjoyed a diverse diet.
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The great-great-grandma also disclosed that despite her age, she feels youthful. “I don’t know,” Francis confessed to the media outlet. “I just thank the good Lord for keeping me.”
Her granddaughter, says her grandmother, is a lover of homemade meals
Francis’ granddaughter, Ethel Harrison, added that her grandmother maintained the habit of preparing her meals at home. “She always grew her vegetables in the backyard,” she admitted to KTRK-TV. “I never saw her go to a fast food restaurant … like Chick-fil-A and all the places I liked to go. She never did that.”
“Whenever you went to her house, I don’t care what day of the week, she was cooking. So, I just think that had a lot to do with it, too,” Harrison added.” Just how she took care of her body and things like that.”