It’s a cyclical, whirlwind relationship unlike any other. Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have had some historic, unparalleled conflicts throughout their forty-plus years of marriage. After each one of these fights, Ozzy would buy Sharon a Tiffany ring, all in the name of preserving what they had – because the alternative was, to Ozzy, unthinkable.
Some of their conflicts have made headlines across decades – and across centuries. Back in 1989, Ozzy was accused of trying to choke and kill Sharon. “We would beat the shit out of each other,” Sharon has further shared, and she herself has admitted to throwing a phone at his head after he spiked her meal with “black hash” marijuana. And yet, Ozzy says he showered her with gifts and has said he’d “be dead” without her.
Ozzy Osbourne bought wife Sharon a Tiffany ring, among other glittery treasures, after their fights
A lot of things could end up broken when the couple fought. “After a big, crazy fight, I go out and buy her a diamond ring or a necklace,” Ozzy revealed. Sharon corroborated this claim, adding, “Yeah, they love him at Tiffany’s.”
RELATED: 40 Years Strong, Ozzy And Sharon Osbourne Never Gave Up On Their Marriage
These days, those fights are a thing in the past – but they left a significant impact. “We stopped, must be, 20 years ago,” shared Sharon. “But we had a good run.”
One moment in that “good run” was during an outright murder attempt, during which point Osbourne said he felt more tranquil than ever before. “I felt the calmest I’ve ever felt in my life,” he revealed. “It was like serenity. Everything was just peaceful.”
The types of fights that sent Ozzy to Tiffany & Co.
“Our fights were legendary,” said Sharon in a 2021 interview with DailyMail TV, “’cause we would beat the shit out of each other.” She said it with a laugh. Ozzy’s drinking habit drove a significant amount of their conflicts, by his own admission.
“My wife’s had to drag me down so many hallways, I’ve got carpet burns on my a—,” Ozzy admitted. He’s been to the Betty Ford Center and Hazelden Foundation, but he’s been open about his plans to not give up alcohol, so much as “control it better.” Sharon says she’ll hear him out, but has no patience for drug use.
The attempted murder of his wife was a significant wakeup call for Ozzy. He didn’t even remember the altercation itself, just waking up in jail and asking a nearby officer what the charges were – only to be told he had tried to kill his wife.
Ultimately, when the couple temporarily split in 2016, it was because of rumors that Ozzy had cheated on her.