If you saw Star Wars actor Mark Hamill working at a fast food restaurant drive-in, no doubt you’d do a double take. Mark returned to work at Jack in the Box for a limited time as part of a campaign with the brand. It was even more special to him since he was actually fired from one of the locations when he was a teenager!
While attending Los Angeles City College, Mark worked at his local Jack in the Box. However, his acting skills got him in trouble, and eventually fired. He explained, “I always aspired to work the window, right? I wanted to be on the speaker, and instead I was always in the back. And when I got my chance at it, I blew it.”
Mark Hamill worked at Jack in the Box once again
When he got the chance to take orders, he used a clown voice to ask for people’s orders. He added, “Well, I thought it was clever. The manager thought otherwise. I was probably really irritating. Anyway, he just told me to go home and never come back.” His manager told him that he wanted him to take the job more seriously.
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Mark continued, “I wouldn’t be just a waiter. In my mind, I would be somebody I’d seen in the movies. It was sort of like using your fantasy imagination to make the job more fun. And that’s what I did at Jack in the Box — although it didn’t come to a happy end.”
Mark is a part of their campaign to re-launch Jack in the Box’s classic spicy chicken strips and French toast sticks. Mark said he had fun working the drive-thru and said that people even told him that he looked like the guy from Star Wars! Too funny!
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