Betty White, who was known as the last living ‘Golden Girl’ and comedic entertainment icon, passed away New Year’s Eve 2021. As expected, people around the world are shocked and heartbroken at the sudden loss of White, seeing as she was about to turn 100 years old in January 2022 and was interviewing recently about what she planned to do to celebrate.
And not just the average person is devastated about the loss, but many stars and celebrities who loved and were inspired by White, have also posted their tributes and reactions following the tragic loss.
Stars react to the death of the legendary Betty White
Rest in peace, sweet Betty. My God, how bright heaven must be right now.
— 😷💉 Valerie Bertinelli (@Wolfiesmom) December 31, 2021
What an exceptional life.
RELATED: Breaking: Betty White, Last Living ‘Golden Girl’, Dies At Age 99
I’m grateful for every second I got to spend with Betty White.
Sending love to her family, friends and all of us.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) December 31, 2021
What an incredible life… RIP Betty White#Legend #Icon #BettyWhite pic.twitter.com/ffqElfPBUC
— Mario Lopez (@mariolopezviva) December 31, 2021
Betty White : I is very hard to absorb you are not here anymore.. But the memories of your deLIGHT
are ..Thank you for yur humor , your warmth and your activism ..
Rest now and say Hi to Bill— Henry Winkler (@hwinkler4real) December 31, 2021
Our national treasure, Betty White, has passed just before her 100th birthday. Our Sue Ann Nivens, our beloved Rose Nylund, has joined the heavens to delight the stars with her inimitable style, humor, and charm. A great loss to us all. We shall miss her dearly.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) December 31, 2021
The world looks different now. She was great at defying expectation. She managed to grow very old and somehow, not old enough. We’ll miss you, Betty. Now you know the secret. pic.twitter.com/uevwerjobS
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) December 31, 2021
Saddened to hear that @BettyMWhite has passed. I loved her comedic wit and endearing charm. She definitely was a sweetheart to the world and a gift to the entertainment world. 😔
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 31, 2021
Ms. Betty White, we will truly never forget you.