What do Madonna, David Letterman, and Miley Cyrus, all have in common? I dunno, eyes? They have them. Oh no, they have all had feuds with Cher at one point or another. Cher is commonly referred to as the Goddess of Pop, as she’s traveled down the yellow brick road of Hollywood for so long that she’s established quite a reputation. But Cher has been known to be one of the shadiest divas out there. She’s not afraid to give anyone, her honest opinion. So let’s give ours.
I bet some of these people wish they could “Turn Back Time” and avoid feuding with the one and only, Cher. If you enjoy our video make sure to give it a thumbs up, it really helps a lot, and subscribe to our channel so you never miss a scoop. Now, let’s get to the dirty details.
The feud between Cher and Madonna stems all the way back to the 90s! Cher appeared on the Wogan talk show to promote her new film Mermaids. And before we even get to the Madonna insults. We must breach the mini-feud or should I say, lawsuit, that stemmed from this 1990 flick, actress Emily Lloyd, fresh off co-starring with Bruce Willis in 1989’s In Country.
RELATED: Cher Is Suing Ex-Husband Sonny Bono’s Widow For Breach Of Contract
Lloyd was originally cast as Charlotte in Mermaids, and had already started shooting some scenes, when Cher complained that the fair-haired Lloyd could never be her daughter, and she pushed for a replacement. Which was the up-and-coming super-star, and dark brunette, Winona Ryder. Lloyd ended up suing Orion Pictures Corporation and Mermaid Productions, and the studios had to settle in 1991, when on the second day of trial, Lloyd received 435 thousand dollars, and 2.5% of the film’s net profits. Well, Mermaids was all fine and good, but now the Goddess of Pop is about to feud with the Queen of Pop.
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Madonna at the 2017 Costume Institute Gala – “Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between”.
(Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC)
It all happened when BBC interviewer Terry Wogan asked Cher a question about Madonna and let’s just say that she wasn’t shy about her honest opinion… Cher stated that Madonna was “unbelievably creative because she’s not unbelievably talented.” ok. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Cher continued by saying that Madonna was, quote: “Not beautiful, she’s creative, but she’s rude.” And then Cher remembers saying a word that got bleeped out… Yikes.
More recently in 2018, Cher was asked what three people she’d like to duet with, and for her third option, she instead decided to say, just not Madonna. That’s kinda like freeing the Genie with your third wish. I dunno. Anyway, Cher has given credit to Madonna, as being ahead of the curve in the entertainment world, but that bleeped-out word back on Wogan certainly rhymed with Witch. So Which star is next to feud with Cher.
Ellen Degeneres
Ellen and Cher go a long way back. Their relationship goes back to when DeGeneres was on her first sitcom. And when Cher appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show in 2018, they were playing a 5-second game, when “What turns you on?” was brought up. The discussion of “Does chocolate do the trick?” was pressed on Cher a little too fervently, to the point of Cher growing tired of Ellen’s teasing, and delivering a jovial name call, that we’ve already visited. Once again calling her a B-word, not a witch.
Whether it was all in good fun, or the talk host was beginning to tire on Cher’s nerves, I don’t believe Cher’s comments were entirely in jest, as we’re learning today, Cher speaks her mind and does not care who she offends. Even so-called friends.
Miley Cyrus
This feud stems from Cryus’ controversial, provocative performance at the 2013 MTV VMAs. Miley wore a nude-colored outfit and was twerking all over everything. Many people argued that this was distasteful and trashy. But Cher defended Miley’s outfits and performance saying that Miley, quote: “Could have come out naked and done a great performance,” and she wouldn’t have cared. As you may know, Cher has a long history with provocative outfits, so her opinion does matter in this defense.
But in true Cher fashion, she couldn’t help but add in some other comments about Miley’s performance, declaring that it, quote: “Wasn’t good.” Cher didn’t mind the outfit but wasn’t a fan of some onstage behavior, such as Miley sticking her tongue out and antagonizing the audience. Cher wanted Miley to “just be better, do better.”
Miley scoffed at these comments and admits to wearing them as a badge of honor. Miley later said in an interview that she knew she had made it in the music industry when Cher was coming after her. Miley told the host, quote, “When these legends and these icons and these artists that we look up to… f-ing hate us, it’s still a compliment.” Miley has a F’in point.
David Letterman
She first appeared on Letterman’s Show in 1986 after they had begged her to come on for four years, and Cher gave them just what they wanted… Letterman greeted her and asked why she hadn’t been on his show before and she retorted, quote: “I don’t know, I thought that I would never want to do this show with you.” Letterman was intrigued by the comment and asked her why? And Cher wasn’t shy when she said that he was, quote: “an A-Hole” …which led to nervous laughter by the audience and Letterman himself.
Personally both Cher and David look visibly uncomfortable in the entire interview and it would probably have been better if it had never actually happened … But supposedly Cher wound up getting $28,000 from this interview alone! I wish people paid me to insult them.
Amanda Bynes
Another feud, another day, this time with actress Amanda Bynes on Twitter in 2013. But Amanda Bynes started this one calling Cher “ugly and a flop.” Which is just…. wildly inaccurate to say the least. A flop, that’s a good one. Now, Bynes had been a Nickelodeon star when she was a child and had a rough patch when she grew past adolescence.
And when someone asked Cher what she thought about Amanda Bynes’ comments, Cher responded with the honest and brutal truth: “Who’s that?” Cher then figured out who Amanda Bynes was and later apologized to her. Cher said that she didn’t intend for her comment to be mean… And she tweeted to Amanda Bynes: “…Sorry about shade, Sweet-Heart, it was unintentional…Promise.” Cher likes to consider herself as a mother figure to the young stars, which is why she actually felt a little bad about her honest question.
I’m glad that Cher had some “Love and Understanding” for the situation there.
Donald Trump
Credit: Yuri Gripas / Pool via CNP/AdMedia
Cher’s hatred for Donald Trump is definitely not a secret. She has never shied away from calling him racist or calling for companies to cut ties with him. In 2012, she demanded that Macy’s stop carrying his line and she vowed to not shop there anymore until they did so.
Cher ranted on Twitter in all caps: “RACIST CRETIN, WHO’D LIE LIKE ‘HIS RUG’ TO GET SOME CHEAP PRESS! I CANT BELIEVE MACY’S THINKS HE’S THE RIGHT ‘MAN’ 2 REPRESENT THEIR NAME!” And obviously, Donald had something to say back… He told Cher to spend more time focusing on her family and “dying career!” He followed with, quote: “I don’t wear a ‘rug’—it’s mine. And I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didn’t work.” Not sure that’s how promises work… but this is just one example of the tweets and shade thrown between the two.
Britney Spears & Jennifer Lopez
Back in the early 2000s, Cher challenged Britney Spears and J-LO to follow her epic tour with something better. Cher later followed up her claims saying that they would never take her place, but that they would take someone else’s place. In true Cher fashion she claimed that her farewell tour had set a new standard for female performers, Cher stated quote: “I have a motive. And that is … that I’m gonna make this show fabulous and say: ‘Follow this, you…’ let’s just say witches, again, sure.
The fight is over for now. I mean, Cher is such an iconic figure and she set the precedent for many people in the music industry to follow. And one day, I hope all these feuds will be resolved, but until then, I guess we’ll just have to keep talking about them!
So, which feud had you heard about before? Are you personally a fan of Cher’s? Or have you ever been? We talk about her life with Sonny in another video if you want to revisit those early years. Who has a favorite song of Cher’s over the years? Let us know in the comments below. We wanna hear from you!