Willie Nelson has done hundreds of interviews during his long career. Now, there is a certain type of question he’s sick of being asked: anything political. He doesn’t want to bring up any controversial views and says that people should do whatever they want if it isn’t hurting anyone else.
He said, “I’ve been asked if I believe people should be allowed to kneel during the national anthem. Regarding peaceful protests and just about anything else, I believe everyone should do whatever the f— they want to do.”
Willie Nelson doesn’t want to answer any more political questions
“You don’t have to watch sports if you don’t like the players’ personal beliefs. You don’t have to attend a gay wedding if you don’t want to,” he added. “You don’t have to buy my music, and I ain’t gonna change the way I think so you will. We all make our own decisions. I’m trying to make mine with love.”
RELATED: Willie Nelson Wants 4/20 To Become National Marijuana Holiday
Being an advocate for marijuana, of course, he is always asked about the legalization of marijuana in different states. He admitted that he is kind of surprised to see how accepted weed has become. He’s happy people are seeing that it may not be for everyone but it does help some people.
He joked, “And they realized that it didn’t make you crazy — you might have been crazy to start with, but smoking marijuana won’t make you crazy.”