Dolly Parton may seem larger than life but she has proven over and over again that she’s just like the rest of us. She could afford the best of the best makeup brands but it turns out that she still chooses one drugstore brand: Maybelline.
Dolly admitted that she uses mainly Maybelline products and has for years. She even wears makeup overnight! That isn’t the best for your skin but Dolly figures if there’s an emergency, she doesn’t want to get caught without any makeup on.
Dolly Parton loves Maybelline makeup which you can find at any drugstore

Since she always has makeup on, it is pretty easy to touch up. She shared, “If I’m going out at night, I’ll just add a little more shadow, a little more glitter, redder or brighter lipstick. I’m so used to doing my own makeup and hair I can do it really fast.”
RELATED: Dolly Parton Credits Her Youthful Glow To One Product
Even during the lockdown, she didn’t turn to comfortable clothes like most of us. She said, “I don’t wear sweatpants. I have my own little house clothes, like a little dress-type teddy, a long teddy, then I have a little jacket or shirt to match if I get cold. I call them my baby clothes because they’re soft like a baby. But I don’t wear sweat clothes.”
We didn’t expect anything less! She also once admitted that she wears high heels at home. The 75-year-old is truly an icon.