Even though Dolly Parton helped fund the coronavirus vaccine, she said she is waiting to receive the vaccine. She doesn’t want it to appear like she is “jumping the line” just because she donated $1 million to the cause. She hopes that others get it first who really need it.
Dolly donated to the researchers at Vanderbilt University which helped to create the Moderna coronavirus vaccine. The vaccine is about 95% effective. Currently, healthcare workers and senior citizens are among the United States residents receiving the vaccine.
Dolly Parton is waiting her turn for the COVID-19 vaccine

Dolly is definitely in the age group to receive the vaccine but she is still waiting. She recently turned 75 years old. She admitted, “I’m not going to get mine until some more people get theirs. I don’t want it to look like I’m jumping the line just because I donated money. I’m very funny about that.”
RELATED: Dolly Parton’s Generous Donation Led To Coronavirus Vaccine
She continued, “I was going to do it on my birthday, and I thought, ‘Nah, don’t do that.’ You’ll look like you’re just doing a show. None of my work is really like that. I wasn’t doing it for a show. I’m going to get mine. I want it. I’m going to get it. When I get it, I’ll probably do it on camera so people will know and I’ll tell them the truth, if I have symptoms and all that. Hopefully it’ll encourage people. I’m not going to jump the line just because I could.”
More proof that Dolly is the sweetest person around!