Some memories I’ll take with me to the grave: The song on the radio during my first kiss (It was “Tears of a Clown”); when my wife said, “I do;” and the sound made by the “Pop-O-Matic Bubble” from Kohner’s infectiously addictive board game, “Trouble.”
A lot of summer nights were spent playing this game, and I can still hear my father cursing under his breath as I hit 6 after 6 after 6 after 6. There wasn’t much to the game outside of dumb luck, but there always seemed to be that one player whose luck never seemed to run out.
That was me, and I was happy to rub it in dad’s face every time I leapfrogged him on the board.
I guess you could say that Pops was…Pop-Popped!
*crickets chirping*
I’ll show myself out now.