Were you ever stabbed by a pencil when you were younger? Have you ever noticed that the same mark is actually still there? Good news is you’re not alone. People have taken to social media to share their experiences on getting a good stab with a pencil and still having the mark several years later. Whether it be on their hand, their foot, or even their head, people have been sharing the fact that even several years later this mark has still not gone away!
While we are not quite sure why pencil stab marks stay for so long, it is reassuring to know that we are not alone! Check out some pictures below from some Internet users who have shared their own, personal situations.
Were you stabbed by a pencil way back when? Share your mark!
This Internet user calls the stab mark a “tattoo for life.” Sounds about right!
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Happened during 3rd grade, walked to the nurse with the whole pencil still in 😭😭 pic.twitter.com/AS1WwOx6bG
— Linh (@linnyxtee) January 8, 2019
While some people might forget the mark, a lot of people never forget how they first got it!
“Had a pencil on the floor that got stuck in the carpet at a weird angle and stabbed my toe!! I always figured it would go away by now but no,” one Twitter user shares.
There will always be a mystery surrounding why pencil marks stay on the surface forever.