Mel Brooks and his son, Max Brooks, have taken to social media to start a new hashtag. The hashtag is #DontBeASpreader and it is in reference to the coronavirus outbreak. The video shows Max speaking directly to the camera, addressing viewers, while Mel is inside the house. The two are separated by the glass door.
“Hi, I’m Max Brooks. I’m 47 years old, This is my dad, Mel Brooks… he’s 93. If I get the coronavirus, I’ll probably be okay. But if I give it to him, he could give it to Carl Reiner, who can give it to Dick Van Dyke, and then before I know it, I’ve wiped out a whole generation of comedic legends,” Max says. “When it comes to coronavirus, I have to think about who I can infect. And so should you.”
Max Brooks and Mel Brooks provide comedic relief while also educating others
A message from me and my dad, @Melbrooks. #coronavirus #DontBeASpreader pic.twitter.com/Hqhc4fFXbe
— Max Brooks (@maxbrooksauthor) March 16, 2020
After this point, a side-screen pops up with ways you can not be a spreader during this coronavirus outbreak. “So, practice social distancing. Avoid crowds, wash your hands, keep six feet away from people, and if you’ve got the option to stay home, just stay home. Do your part, don’t be a spreader. Right, dad?” Max ends his video and turns to his dad, who says, “Go home!” and shoos him away.
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Leave it to the Brooks to make an educational video while also providing comedic relief. People on Twitter are loving the video that they made. “I love your dad. I met him at Stonepine Resort in CA many years ago with Gene Wilder, the Alda and Reiner families. #NationalTreasures Stay safe, healthy and thank you for keeping us laughing even during tragedies. We love you all,” a fan writes. “Mel Brooks is still as funny as hell,” another says.
More news to come out of the coronavirus outbreak includes the state-wide banning of businesses being open. This includes restaurants/bars, gyms, movie theaters, and more. A majority of schools, including universities, have closed indefinitely and more bans are still to come.