At 98 years old, Ronnie Backenstoe is still selling Girl Scout cookies and is even part of a troop! She started on her Girl Scout mission when she was just 10 years old. “I became a Girl Scout in 1932!” she tells news outlets. “I said ‘when can I be a Girl Scout?’ My mom said ‘when you’re 10.’ So when I was 10, I was ready to go!”
Some fellow scouts would join her for a cookie sale at Phoebe Berks, a retirement community in the area. Troop Leader Barbara Allen Perelli says that even at 98 years old, Ronnie’s energy and enthusiasm are non-stop and constant. The younger scouts of the troop say that Ronnie often makes them laugh.
Ronnie Backenstoe, a 98-year-old Girl Scout sharing her wisdom with the rest of the younger generation
“I think that it was just part of living. That’s really what girl scouting is, it teaches you how to live,” Ronnie says of the whole Girl Scout experience. She says when she first sold cookies back in the 1930s there were only three different kinds! They only cost around 15 cents. Can you imagine that compared to how many different flavors there are now, and the prices? Ronnie says her favorite Girl Scout cookie flavor is peanut butter!
RELATED: Good Samaritan Buys Entire Supply Of Girl Scout Cookies So They Can Go Home
What an amazing life mission to continue carrying on. She gets to share her knowledge and wisdom to the younger generations who come forth to the same mission that she has been on for so long. Incredible!