I love helping name things, whether it be dogs or babies or just admiring the given names to people. In fact, I have always had a slight obsession with it. Maybe because I grew up with an unusual name for the time I was born and at first loathed my name until I matured. Or, maybe I just think about names when I meet people and whether or not their names fit their faces. As a child, I always imagined if I had a son or daughter, what would I name them? And to date, I still keep lists of names for fun whenever I got into a conversation about who is naming something, be it a pet or person or thing. Regardless, there is something about the evolution of names in relation to events that have transpired during that time period that I have always found quite fascinating.
The following table shows the five most frequent given names for male babies born in each year between 1917-2016. Over the last 100 years, the male name Michael has held the top spot most often (44 times).
The Social Security Administration has compiled a real list of the top baby names of the last 100 years. The super official U.S. organization tallied up all of the names given to 172,891,221 male babies from the years 1917 to 2016 to result in the Top 100 list of male names below. Although the most popular moniker for males is James, the SSA notes that it doesn’t mean the name has been uber-popular each year for the past 100 years. In fact, James has ranked as low as number 19, really, not too shabby.
For some very classic name inspiration, check the Top 100 list below.
Here Are The Top 100 Men’s Names Of The Last 100 Years: