When I was a little girl, I fantasized about the Princess wedding. When I got older, every time I had a crush on a boy, I would imagine my being married to him and what my name would be and I am happy to say, it flows pretty well!
Two families – with two different last names – joining together should be a wonderful occasion, but in these people’s cases, it was an occasion of hilarity instead of beauty. Enjoy these hyphenated names that they hopefully didn’t keep past the wedding day.
1. Gross – Pantti
Isn’t the word “panti” gross enough already??
2. Long – Wiwi
The groom should probably take the bride’s name here.
3. Cockman – Dickman
Honestly, what are the odds of these two even meeting, much less getting married?
4. Looney – Warde
A match made in Bedlam.
5. Hardy – Harr
Their life will be filled with laughter every day.
6. Best – Lay
Hopefully, this hyphenated name describes the wedding night…
7. MacDonald – Berger
The best part of this is that neither word is *quite* spelled the “right” way.
8. Fillerup – Standing
The name “Fillerup” is quite astonishing all on its own.
9. Partee-Moore
This name is what everyone will yell at their wedding reception.
10. Kuntz – Dick
I believe it’s pronounced “koontz.” And “deeck.”