Matthew Perry, best known for playing Chandler Bing, the witty and lovable friend in Friends, passed away in October 2023. His death deeply moved friends, colleagues, and fans who had been inspired by both his genius acting and resilience.
Matthew battled addiction for years but only spoke publicly about his road to recovery. At the moment of his death, he was reported to have been sober for some time. He was found dead in his bathtub when he passed away.
Matthew Perry texted his ex-girlfriend, Ione Skye, randomly before his death
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In her new memoir Say Everything, actress Ione Skye revealed that Matthew sent her a surprise message prior to his death. The message, which was out of the blue, was an emotional message where he talked about their past and shared a personal experience he had while meditating.
Ione had labeled the message as wild because their conversations had been minimal over the years. She stated that she was saddened by his death, admitting that she should have called him back to reminisce together. The two of them had met when they were teenagers and had a short romance before becoming just friends. The conversation might have been short, but it has a deeper significance now with his death.
What was the cause of Matthew Perry’s death?
Matthew, in the official autopsy report, had excess ketamine in his body when he died. Investigations revealed that he had received multiple injections of the substance a few days before his death. He has been reported to have been injected with six to eight doses per day by an assistant who had no formal medical training.
Deeper scrutiny of the treatment he was given has raised eyebrows as well, with many questioning the ketamine over prescription given Matthew’s medical history. The case sparked discussions about the risks of unlicensed treatments and the caregivers’ actual responsibility. His death has been heartbreaking, with many wondering whether or not it could have been prevented.