5. A scientist is stabbed in the lab and his co-workers are suspects named Alex, Nicola, Michael, and James. Before the scientist died, he wrote down “28, 27, 57”. Can you figure out who killed him?
ANSWER: The numbers he wrote down were from the periodic table of elements. Now can you figure it out? 28 corresponds to NI (Nickel), 27 corresponds to CO (Cobalt) and 57 corresponds to LA (Lanthanum). Why wouldn’t the scientist just have written her name? Well because this is a riddle, duh!
6. A man lived alone in a small home and never left. The only people he saw were the mailman, a newspaper delivery boy, and a grocery delivery person. The mailman found the man dead. The police found a loaf of bread, keys, a few bottles of milk, some pills, and Tuesday’s newspaper. Who killed him?
ANSWER: It was the newspaper delivery man! You might have noticed that only Tuesday’s paper was left. He didn’t bother to deliver any more newspapers after he killed the man.
How did you do? Did you guess any of the answers? If you got them all right, you are a genius!
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