We know it’s tempting to catch and kill the first spider you spot in your home. We all think of our homes as safe havens from the outside, insect-infested world. However, the truth is it’s actually their world and we are living in it, so it’s no surprise when we occasionally run into the generic house spider just hanging out in the corner of the room.
Entomologists have determined and explained why we shouldn’t kill spiders in our homes when we spot them. Why? Because they are an important part of nature and, specifically, our indoor ecosystems. They’re the ones who can protect us from other insects that carry diseases, like mosquitos, and they are seldom dangerous.
*WARNING: This article contains photos of some serious creepy-crawlies. If you’re squeamish to arachnids, read at your own risk!*
What’s important to note is that even if you can’t see the spiders, they are 100% still there. Experts conducted a survey of 50 North Carolina homes to find out what kind of spiders (if any) are truly living under our roof at all times. The survey resulted in every single home surveyed containing some sort of spider inhabitant, most of them cobweb and cellar spiders.
The main civic duty of the spider in your home is to build a web and wait for its prey to find its way into the spider’s clutches. Sometimes they’ll even eat other spiders if they’re not happy with another arachnid on their turf. It’s all fair game.
Despite most house spiders not actively looking to harm us and simply existing to harvest disease-carrying insects (to our benefit), it’s normal to fear spiders. Their appearance can send chills down your spine and almost all spiders are venomous. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that even the common house spider’s venom is not enough to cause major issues in humans or their fangs may not be big enough to come in contact with our skin.
Spiders actually prefer to stay away from humans at all costs and will usually bite when they feel threatened. When it comes to being bitten by a black widow or brown recluse, you should absolutely seek medical attention, but as for the house spider, there’s really nothing to worry about there.
The best thing to do next time you come in contact with a spider is to try to capture it and release it outside instead of crushing it. Or, if you’re brave enough, you can simply let it be and hang out. Remember that it’s totally okay and normal to have spiders in your home!
Be sure to SHARE this article and don’t forget to check out the video below of adventurer and animal expert, Coyote Peterson, free-handling a black widow spider to show us that spiders truly aren’t looking to harm us!