Depending on where you’re planning to move to, the bang for your buck truly varies. Ranked by price per square foot, the size of the home will change despite the price range being the same all across the board. In Bridgeport, CT a $200,000 home will estimate to 1,763 square feet while in Wichita, KS you might be able to purchase a multiple-bedroom house with more than 3,000 square feet. Yes, it’s that big of a difference!
The biggest cities throughout the country have an ever-changing price range, but we can show you just exactly what you could be getting for $200,000 based on your location of interest. Here are the top 10 cities and what their $200,000 homes look like.
1. Bridgeport, Connecticut
Listing price: $209,900
Square feet: 1,394
Price per square foot: $151
2. Omaha, Nebraska
Listing price: $250,000
Square feet: 2,813
Price per square foot: $89
3. New York, New York
Listing price: $247,000
Square feet: 1,748
Price per square foot: $141
4. Seattle, Washington
Listing price: $210,000
Square feet: 471
Price per square foot: $446
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