During a weather forecast in Houston, Texas, there was a tiny interruption. That interruption was in the form of an adorable little dog that is available for adoption. You might know that many news channels have segments weekly or monthly featuring dogs that are available for adoption in the local area. You may not have seen one interrupt a weather report though.
You can tell right away that TV meteorologist Khambrel Marshall from KPRC 2 loves dogs. As the dog wanders in during his forecast, you might imagine he could have been annoyed at the interruption.
However, he decided to greet the dog and pick the dog up. The dog’s name is Angel and was waiting to be featured in the next segment.
Marshall continues on with his forecast, holding the dog and reminding pet owners to give their dogs plenty of water as the temperature was rising in Houston. It looks like it will be a hot month there! Marshall continues to pet Angel and talks to him throughout the segment.
Marshall decided to join the next segment where they talked about Angel and shared details for those who might be interested in adopting him. Angel is a very sweet poodle mix and Marshall exclaims that he loves weather or weather people in particular!
We hope that this adorable video will get Angel adopted and all of the other dogs too! If you are interested in adopting a dog, look up your local Humane Society and check out the dogs and other pets that are available for adoption. If you aren’t looking to adopt a pet, you can still volunteer at your local animal shelter.
If you want your daily dose of cuteness, check out the videos below! The first one is the one where Angel wandered in during the weather forecast and the next video is where you meet Angel and they discuss the Humane Society. What would you do if you were a weatherman and a dog wandered into your segment?
You can meet Angel in the video below and learn more about this precious pooch. Do you support the “Adopt Don’t Shop” movement? Tell us about your furry friend in the Facebook comment section!
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