An 11-year-old boy from Texas named Bishop Curry has invented a device that will stop babies and kids from dying in hot cars. The invention, called Oasis, is a small box with air ducts that blow cool air when it becomes too hot inside a car. It also comes paired with an antenna that alerts the parents and emergency services.
Over the last two decades, hot car deaths have totaled up to 712, all of them being children (when it comes to humans). When Bishop discovered that a child living on his street had died from being in a hot car for too long, he decided he needed to take action. The device is designed to latch onto the child’s car seat.
Bishop says that he already got a patent for the invention and a number of manufacturers lined up to build the Oasis. Through a crowdfunding campaign that Bishop started for the development of the invention, it has already received double its goal of $20,000 and it is now about to exceed $50,000.
Bishop has his own model for the invention built and says he will use the money from the fundraising campaign to pay for prototypes and manufacturing. “Bishop is a 5th grader who is fascinated with making things. From creating a home-made catapult and ping pong ball cannon to thinking of ways to melt ice and snow on roads without using salt,” Bishop’s father said.
Many meteorologists have been studying these preventable deaths and urging parents every summer to never lock their kids in a hot car, yet parents still continue to do this. Because of this untimely, shocking death rate, many states have deemed leaving your kid in a hot car officially illegal.
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