If you had to take a state flag quiz, would you ace it? Most of us learned about our own state flags back in grade school, but chances are you don’t know all of the state flags in the United States.
State flags are fascinating because they are so unique. Some of them are simple, while others are very complex. The most interesting thing about these flags is what they represent!
We rounded up a list of some of the most unique looking state flags in America:
1. Hawaii
Hawaii’s flag actually has the British flag in the corner of it! This seems odd, but it represents their friendship with the British.
2. South Carolina
With its palm tree and moon, South Carolina’s flag looks like it should belong in California or Florida. However, it is said to be based on one of the first Revolutionary War flags.
3. Alabama
The state flag of Alabama looks like it belongs in a treasure hunt. The flag is actually supposed to represent a crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white.
4. Alaska
The Alaskan state flag features the Big Dipper, a constellation of stars in the sky. This one is probably one of the most beautiful and understated flags!
5. Connecticut
This flag contains latin that means “He who transplanted still sustains.” This is also the state’s motto. The latin makes sense, since the flag also shows pictures of fruit. They must love grapes in Connecticut!
6. Rhode Island
The smallest state’s flag contains an anchor and 13 stars that represent the 13 original colonies. It also says “hope.” We hope Rhode Islanders love their beautiful state flag!
7. Michigan
Michigan’s flag contains a whole lot of latin! According to Reader’s Digest, “E Pluribus Unum” means “from many, one.” “Tuebor” means “I will defend.” And the words on the white banners translate into: “If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.” It also features animals and perhaps one of their famous lakes.
What do you think of these unique state flags in the United States? Which one is your favorite? If you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with a friend!