The struggle is real for all the bakers out there! Those stubborn stains that develop on bake-wares after countless uses just won’t budge. You might be reluctant to throw it away probably because you got attached to it or just because you don’t want to keep spending money on newer ones. Either way, there are a couple of hacks you could try that will expand the life span of your baking utensils.
The following method will return the shine to your glass or Pyrex dishware. Often the stains on glass are so rigid that it takes a lot of muscle power and time to remove them. What you can try to make it less strenuous is put some liquid soap and baking soda on a toothbrush. Rub the brush on the glass, making circular motions. In case the container is huge, use a cloth instead of toothbrush.
Once that is done, leave alone the glassware for about 20-25 minutes. This allows the stains to soften up. Later, use aluminium foil to scrub off the already softened stains. Voila! The gleam on the glass is back!
One of the most used bake ware is a cookie sheet. The stains on these pans can be wiped clean with the use of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
All you have to do is a bit of layered spraying. First, spray baking soda all across. Then spray the hydrogen peroxide. And then again baking soda. Wait for 1-2 hours. Take a scrub or a washing pad and the stains can gently be removed.
There is something else you can try when it comes to cleaning stainless steel. It’s a simple method that requires you to spread baking soda over the pan with a damp paper towel. Use aluminium foil to scrub stubborn stains. Apply some soap to it and rinse it under warm water. Let it air dry for some time. You are all set!
You can easily make your old aluminium trays as good as new. Take a cooking pot and fill it with water and vinegar in equal measure to make it boil. Once boiled, let it cool down at room temperature. Dip a sponge or pad into it and start scrubbing away at those stains. They should go away quickly. Once that’s done, rinse the pan under warm water with soap. Dry it and you’re done.
Learn more about cleaning stubborn stains on your baking sheets in the video below:
Credits: interestingfunfacts.com