8. Catwoman
The Catwoman of the 60s TV series is played by no less than three different actresses, Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether and Eartha Kitt. While Meriwether and Kitt are fine in the role, the best of the three is definitely Newmar, who appears the most as the character, as she gets the playfulness of the character completely right.
Just as in every other version of the character, Catwoman has romantic feelings for Batman as Batman does for her and it is stated by Batman in the series that if Catwoman became a good, law-abiding citizen their relationship could develop. Unlike other versions, though, (yes, I’m looking at you, Anne Hathaway) Catwoman stays on the bad side despite her attachment to the Bat.
9. The Joker
A far cry from Heath Ledgers terrifying madman or Jack Nicholsons imposing crime boss is Cesar Romeros pink-suited Joker. That isn’t to deride the actors performance as all the elements of the Joker that we are familiar with are on the show. Romeros appearance is arguably the closest to the characters’ classic look from the comics compared to other Jokers on screen. Like the others he also seems to just enjoy being bad, revelling in causing mischief (this Jokers mischief doesnt include, say, torturing Gothams District Attorney but, hey, this was a family show), and the Jokers laugh, that every actor who plays the character tries to get right, Romero nailed first. Overall, he may not be the layered, deadly villain we are familiar with nowadays but this Joker is a perfect foil for Adam Wests straight-laced Batman just as the character should always be. Wait, the Joker is only at number two?! Hang on to your utility belts, the worst is yet to come!
10. The Penguin
Yes, that avian arch-nemesis of Batmans finds himself on the top perch of our list, receiving the big fat juicy fish of first place, number one on you get the idea. Removing Danny De Vitos grotesque savage in Tim Burtons Batman Returns from your minds, the TV Series Penguin is an apparently honorable citizen who often uses a seemingly honest business venture to hide his nefarious criminal activities which everyone always falls for despite his having a terrible track record. They’re a very gullible lot in Gotham. But what makes The Penguin the best over his cohorts in crime? Largely, the reason is that when the villains get together he seems to be in charge. For instance, in the 1966 movie that accompanied the series, the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman join forces to hold the world to ransom and the brains behind the operation seem to the Penguin; their evil base is even Pengys submarine. It’s a hard call to pick the best though as the series produced many entertaining villains originals or not – with the Penguin just winning out. Which makes a nice change from the dozens of times his plans are scuppered by the pesky ‘Dynamic Dum-Dums’… Holy controversy, Bat-fan! Have I left out your favorite villain? Well, dont reach for that Bat-Phone just yet.
Credits: whatculture.com