You charge your phone at 100% in the morning, and come noon, it’s down to a mere 5%. Yes, the frustration is real. Today, when phones are basically needed for survival, a low battery life could mean an end of the world. However, there are certain tricks you could use to survive the impending doom.
Turns out, the way we charge our phones has a lot to do with it’s battery life. Battery University, by Cadex, has come up with some advice to help extend your phone’s battery span.
1. Don’t wait till it drops to 1%.
Probably a majority of us wouldn’t move until the phone shows signs of dying out. We’ll grab our chargers only at 1% and then wait till it shows 100%. But that’s really not the right way. Keeping the phone charged for a long time actually corrodes the batteries. It affects the battery power by wearing it down. So, charging it somewhere in between is the right way to go. Keep the intervals between your charging times short.
2. Don’t hit a 100!
Contrary to the popular belief, a 100% battery is not good for the phone’s battery life. It ruins it by stressing it out. Charge it somewhere above 50 and below 100, fueling a little more every time it drops.
3. Plug it out immediately once you’re done. 
You don’t want to exhaust your battery. Hence, don’t let it charge overnight. Once it goes up to a 100, the battery remains in a high tension mode, burning it out. This only makes matter worse. So, unplug before you fall asleep, or as soon as you get the desired percentage.
4. Let it cool down.
Flickr | BuddaBoy
One of the most important conditions for a better battery life is a cool phone. Some phone covers just trap heat inside and that affects the batteries adversely. Removing them while charging, or just unplugging the phone when it gets too warm will give you a good battery life.
Hope this helps you curse a little less the next time you see a low battery.
Credits: unilad.co.uk