The 1960s was a decade of upheaval. The civil rights and women’s movement were going strong, protestors demonstrated against war, and () rampant. All of this societal tension gave birth to words and phrases lifted from new sources: African-American slang, personal experimentation, advertisements and confrontational politics. There are too many words and phrases to list in one place, so we chose a few of our favorites to lay on you, man.
He went ape! When one loses control.
Man, that was bad!. Man, as in gosh! Bad as in very good.
It ain’t my bag. It’s not of interest to me. Also, It’s not my stick.
Watch the boob tube. Enjoy some mindless TV fare.
Keep on truckin. Don’t give up; also, Keep on keeping on.
Can you lend me some bread? Money, honey.
I had a bum trip. A bad LSD experience. Also, What a bummer.
I got burned. I was cheated, maybe on a dope deal.
Do your own thing. Be an independent spirit.
Ban the bomb. Do away with nuclear weapons.
Don’t trust anyone over 30. You can’t believe the man.
I love the Fab Four. The Beatles are fabulous.
Try it you’ll like it! Don’t be scared!
I’d rather fight than switch. Tareyton cigarette commercial.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make conscious decisions going forward.
You’ve come a long way, baby. Women have become men’s equals. (And smoke Virginia Slims cigarettes.)
Don’t freak out, man. Originally, a reaction to a bad LSD trip. Later on, an aggressive reaction
The Generation Gap. The big differences between us and our parents.
Gimme some skin. Let’s shake on it; high-five.
Give peace a chance. Stop war; also, Make love, not war.
Let it all hang out. Express yourself; don’t be inhibited.
Here come da judge. A line from Pigmeat Martin’s comedy song, popularized on Rowan Martin’s Laugh-In.
Anything a-go-go. Adding a discotheque flavor.
Yabba-Dabba-Doo! Fred Flintstone is very happy.
What a long, strange trip it’s been. From Grateful Dead’s Truckin; life gets mighty odd at times.
Flower Power. Believing in beauty, not politicans.
Heeeere’s Johnny! McMahon introduces Carson.
Is it true blondes have more fun? and Does she or doesn’t she? Only her hairdresser knows. Hair color ads.
Shaken, not stirred. The way Bond, James Bond, likes his martini’s.
Cool your chops. Put a lid on it. Shut up. Also, Cool your jets.
Danger, Will Robinson.Robot’s warning on Lost in Space.
Up against the wall, muthaf**ker! Police order lifted by the counter-culture.
Turn on, tune in and drop out. LSD-advocate Timothy Leary’s advice to the young.
Can I crash at your pad? Sleep over at someone’s home.
Hello, beautiful people. When you greet kindred spirits.
Same Bat time, same Bat channel. TV promo for Batman series.
Very in-ter-est-ing, but not very funny. Laugh-In schtick.
Don’t Bogart that joint. Don’t be selfish; pass it around.
Plop plop. Fizz fizz. Oh what a relief it is. Alka-Seltzer to the rescue.
It was really groovy. Very positive, as in the groove.
The whole world is watching. Anti-war demonstrators chant.
The In-Crowd. Hip people in the know.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. A storyteller returns to his main point after diverging.
Was he a Mod or a Rocker? Two style camps from 1960s London.
She’s my old lady (or He’s my old man). My girlfriend/wife, boyfriend/husband.
The concert was outta sight! Just incredible.
She’s a real flower child. A free hippie spirit.
Let’ pack it in. Call it quits.
The pigs beat me up. The police; also the man.
Power to the people! Right on Political mantra, affirmed with a raised fist.
Riding shotgun. A car’s front-seat on the passenger side.
Sock it to me! Give me what you’ve got.
Shazzam! Wow! Popularized by Gomer Pyle.
He spaced-out. He was lost in reverie.
I’m straight.I’m not high on drugs.
TCB. Taking care of business. Seeing to what needs to be done.
Good vibes. A positive environment.
If this vans a-rockin, then don’t come a-knockin. Sign on hippie vans, warning that some sweet, sweet love-making is going on inside.
He’s a real head. A major drug user.
It was psychedelic. Suggestive of a mind-altering drug trip.
Acid rock. Psychedelic rock music, like the Grateful Dead or Jefferson Airplane.