When it comes to your personal perspective, aging happens slowly. You don’t notice crinkles slowly creep into the creases of your eyes and you don’t notice the strands and whispers of gray in your hair as they make their way in. Usually, you just wake up one day and realize, “dang, I’ve gotten old. Where did all this gray hair and all these wrinkles come from?”
If you haven’t reached that stage of life yet, don’t worry because your turn will come. In the meantime, I do have just what you need to help you realize just how old you are.
In fact, just recently the cast of Lord of the Rings came together and posted a selfie on Instagram that has literally exploded on the Internet. Movies and TV shows we grew up with ingrain visions in our mind, those characters are timeless so seeing them 15 years later in the flesh will rock you to your core!
Here are 12 cast reunions just like the guys in Lord of the Rings that will definitely drop your jaws and open your eyes. You’re getting old!
1. Ghostbusters
This 1984 thrilling comedy hanging out in 2016 with the re-make cast leaves a lasting impression.
2. Star Wars
Between 1980 and 2013 the biggest change was how astronomically our love grew for cinema’s favorite characters.
3. Matilda
If you can believe this movie came out in 1996 then maybe the bottom photo from 2013 will be slightly less mind-blowing.
4. School of Rock
10 years goes a really long way, as we clearly see here in the difference between the 2003 cast and the 2013 reunion. Can we say our jaws dropped?