KIEFER SUTHERLAND (John ‘Ace’ Merrill)
Stand By Me’s most-hated character, Ace was Sutherland’s fourth-ever film role. Nowadays the British-born 49-year-old is more closely associated with his long-running role as Jack Bauer on the hit show 24. Last year he released his first studio album, Down In A Hole.
JOHN CUSACK (Denny LeChance)
Now 50 years old, Cusack — who played Gordie’s handsome older brother in Stand By Me — has enjoyed a varied film career, with roles in High Fidelity, Being John Malkovich and America’s Sweethearts. His box office prowess has waned in recent years, though: half of his last eight films were direct-to-DVD releases.
RICHARD DREYFUSS (Adult Gordie LaChance)
Dreyfuss’s role in Stand By Me came more than two decades into his career, with iconic roles in the likes of Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind already under his belt. Now 68, Dreyfuss most recently played disgraced stockbroker Bernie Madoff is a US miniseries about the financial crisis.
Source: (News.com)