3. Jane Russell’s Breasts
Though fully covered in 1941The Outlaw, they were still considered too buxom for the Hollywood Production Code Administration’s taste, and they delayed the release of the film.
The Breen Office requested 37 specific reshoots of scenes with the actress, and director Howard Hughesshelved it twice before finally distributing it in 1946 amid more legal battles.
4. The Monkees Saying “Hell”
In a second season episode of The Monkees, Peter foolishly sells his soul to the devil and must go to court with his bandmates to fight for it back.
Even though it’s the location of the fictional courtroom, the boys were bleeped with a cuckoo bird sound every time they said “hell,” which Micky then controversially addressed by ending his argument saying, You know whats even more scary? You can’t say hell on television.
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